Healing Therapies

  • 32 Access Bar Consciousness
  • Bach Flower Therapy
  • Mind Energy Meditation
  • Pendulum Dowsing
  • Gem Stone Crystal Grid
  • Ten Tarot Reading
  • Seven Chakra Healing
  • Third Eye Activation
  • Aura Reading & Healing
  • Shamanic Healing
  • Angel Therapist
  • Samooray Healing
  • Tibetan Sound Therapy
  • Money Power Process
  • Magnified Healing
  • Lamafera Grand Master
  • Hooponopono
  • Akashik Record Power
  • Hoodoo Magical Power
  • Body Language Therapy
  • Rune Reading

Bach Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy is a natural healing modality that uses flower essences to address emotional imbalances. It was developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, in the 1930s. The therapy consists of 38 different flower remedies, each corresponding to a specific emotional state or personality trait. These remedies are believed to restore emotional balance and promote overall well-being. They are safe, gentle, and can be used by people of all ages.

Mind Energy Meditation

Mind Energy Meditation is a practice that focuses on harnessing and directing the power of the mind to enhance mental clarity, increase energy levels, and promote overall well-being. It involves techniques such as visualization, breathwork, and mindfulness to cultivate a deep state of relaxation and inner awareness. By tapping into the mind's potential, Mind Energy Meditation can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and foster a sense of inner peace and balance.

Ten-Card Tarot Reading

A ten-card tarot reading is a comprehensive reading that uses ten cards from a tarot deck to gain insights and guidance on a specific question or situation. Each card represents different aspects of the question or situation, and their positions in the spread provide a deeper understanding of the overall message. It's a powerful tool for self-reflection, decision-making, and gaining clarity.

Seven Chakra Healing

Seven chakra healing is a practice that focuses on balancing and harmonizing the seven main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific qualities and functions, and when they are out of balance, it can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual issues. Through various techniques like meditation, energy healing, and affirmations, chakra healing aims to restore the flow of energy and promote overall well-being. It's a holistic approach that can help bring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.

Third eye activation

Third eye activation is a practice that focuses on awakening and activating the third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna chakra. The third eye is believed to be the center of intuition, higher consciousness, and spiritual insight. Through meditation, visualization, and energy work, third eye activation aims to open and expand this chakra, allowing for enhanced intuition, clarity, and spiritual awareness. It can be a transformative practice for those seeking deeper spiritual connection and self-discovery.

Aura Reading & Healing

Aura reading and healing is a practice that focuses on perceiving and working with the energy field surrounding a person, known as the aura. An aura reader can perceive and interpret the colors, patterns, and vibrations within the aura, gaining insights into a person's emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Aura healing involves using various techniques, such as energy healing, visualization, and intention, to balance and harmonize the aura, promoting overall wellness and balance. It's a fascinating practice that can provide deep insights and support in one's personal growth and healing journey.

Angel therapy

Angel therapy is a practice that involves connecting with angels and working with their guidance and healing energy. An angel therapist acts as a facilitator between individuals and the angelic realm, helping them to communicate with angels and receive their messages and support. Through various techniques like meditation, prayer, and energy healing, angel therapy aims to bring comfort, guidance, and healing to individuals on their spiritual journey. It's a beautiful and uplifting practice that can provide a sense of peace, protection, and divine connection.

Tibetan Sound Therapy

Tibetan sound therapy is a holistic healing practice that utilizes various sound instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, and bells, to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. The resonant tones and vibrations produced by these instruments are believed to restore harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. During a session, the sound therapist may play the instruments near or on the body, creating a soothing and meditative experience. Tibetan sound therapy is often used to reduce stress, enhance meditation, and support overall healing and self-discovery.

Magnified Healing

Magnified Healing is a powerful energy healing modality that works on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It utilizes high-frequency energies and sacred geometries to promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth. During a session, the practitioner channels these energies and directs them to the client, supporting the release of energetic blockages, activating the body's natural healing abilities, and fostering a deep sense of well-being. Magnified Healing is often used to address physical ailments, emotional imbalances, and to facilitate spiritual awakening and transformation.


Hooponopono is a Hawaiian healing practice that focuses on forgiveness, reconciliation, and taking responsibility for one's actions. It is based on the belief that we are all interconnected, and any disharmony or problems in our lives are a result of our own thoughts, actions, and memories. Through the repetition of specific phrases like "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you," Hooponopono aims to release negative emotions, heal relationships, and restore balance and harmony within oneself and with others. It is a powerful practice for personal growth, healing, and cultivating a sense of peace and well-being.


Hoodoo is a form of folk magic that originated in African American communities. It involves the use of rituals, spells, and charms to achieve various goals such as love, luck, protection, and success. Hoodoo draws on a combination of African, Native American, and European magical traditions. It often incorporates the use of herbs, roots, candles, and symbolic objects. Hoodoo practitioners believe in the power of personal energy and intention to manifest desired outcomes. It is important to note that Hoodoo is a cultural and spiritual practice, and respect for its origins and traditions is essential.

Body Language Therapy

Body language therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on understanding and interpreting nonverbal communication cues such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, and eye contact. It can help individuals improve their communication skills, understand others better, and become more aware of their own body language. Body language therapy can be beneficial in various settings, including personal relationships, professional interactions, and public speaking. It can enhance self-confidence, empathy, and overall communication effectiveness.

Lama Fera

Lama Fera is a healing technique that originates from Tibetan Buddhism. It's a spiritual practice that involves using mantras, symbols, and energy channels to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Practitioners of Lama Fera use specific hand positions, visualization, and chanting to channel healing energy to the recipient, aiming to balance and harmonize their energy fields. This technique is often performed by trained practitioners and is believed to promote relaxation, release blockages, and restore well-being.

Rune Reading

Rune reading is a form of divination that involves using a set of symbols known as runes to gain insights into various aspects of life. Runes are ancient alphabetic characters that were used by Germanic peoples for writing, but they also hold deeper mystical and symbolic meanings. During a rune reading, a set of runes is usually drawn or cast, and their positions and relationships are interpreted by the reader. Each rune carries its own meaning and significance, and the combination of runes drawn can provide guidance, answers to questions, and insights into the past, present, or future. Rune readings are often seen as a way to tap into intuition and connect with ancient wisdom.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is a spiritual practice where healers connect with the spirit world to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances using rituals and techniques like energy clearing and soul retrieval. It's based on the belief that restoring harmony with spiritual forces can promote healing.

Akashik Record Power

The Akashic Records are a supposed storehouse of knowledge containing the collective experiences of all souls, accessible through meditation for insights into past, present, and potential future aspects of life.

Aura Scanning

Thoughts and feelings give color to your aura,making it possible for a psychic to know what you are experiencing .Aura scanning helps scrutinizing a swirling mass of colors, that represent you on mental,physical and emotional level.

Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing is removing the negative energy from your aura and clearing awful aspects of your energy system. Aura cleansing has proven to be one of the most successful and distinctive forms of modern –day holistic health care.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is condernedwih treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room,thecoupling of your relatively inconsistent vibration with h balancing one ifcrystal can bridge the gap between your physical,menta and spiritual selves.

Expand Aura Level

This process helps you to expand the wavelength of your aura. As your aura expands your energy starts to pick up on spirit presences such as your guides ,angelsorloved ones.

Gems Healing

A gemstone crystal grid is a sacred geometric pattern created using different gemstones and crystals. The crystals are placed strategically on the grid to amplify their energies and intentions. It is believed that the combination of specific crystals and the geometric pattern enhances the manifestation of desires, promotes healing, and balances energy. Crystal grids can be used for various purposes like attracting abundance, enhancing love and relationships, and clearing negative energy. It's a beautiful and powerful way to work with the energy of crystals.

Spinal Yoga Healing (SHY)

SYH is an extremely effective yoga techniques for total relaxation and stress release SYH helps in removing blockages , reducing body fat, realeasing emotions, improving bloodcirculation and increasing the energy level.

Super Soul Power

Super Soul power is designed to reconnect your spiritual card and reintegrate your mind with a spiritual body (spirit). The most powerful form This process is a state of consciousness in which spirit and personality or forms are experienced simultaneously.

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot reading is a form of divination using cards with symbolic image to connect the reader to the subconscious mind, providing information relating to the matter of interest of past present and future.

Tentaro Card Reading

With Tentaro Card and pendulum, you can connect with the universal intelligence. It allows you to access and connect with a higher power which can help in making the best decisions and provide remedies for your present and future queries.

Hehomi Healing

Hehomi healing is a music therapy /which has the ability to reach into your souls and help you to connect with your true selves and to heal from within ,hehomi music has an amazing transformative effect in harmonizing the body systems.

Kundalini awakening

Kundalini Awakening develops your awareness of the inner body and encourages you to work from the core of your being. You achieve a much deeper and more abiding health and sustain your body o remain protected , healed & balanced.

Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum dowsing is a technique that uses a weighted object, such as a crystal or metal pendant, suspended on a string or chain. By asking specific questions, the pendulum is believed to tap into the subconscious mind and provide answers through its movements. It can be used for various purposes like gaining insights, making decisions, and finding lost objects. It's a fascinating tool for self-discovery and accessing intuitive guidance.

Reiki healing

Reiki is a spiritual ,vibrational healing practice used to promote balance throughout the human system ,the divine cosmic energy is channeled fo the purpose of healing . it is also used for relaxation and stress release ( Reiki 1 to 4 level with colour, crystal, candle, pyramid ,pendulum & photo therapy)

Samooray Healing

Samooray healing isanatural and holistic form of treatment , the healer act as a channel for a much higher, imitless source of cosmic energy. Samooray healing helps to increase and balance the flow of energy , activating the body’s naturalability to heal.

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